Thursday 21 October 2010


I'm sure this pair of clowns had plenty to laugh about after the biggest slashing on public spending in over 70 years.

The thing is, the Tories (ably assisted by the parasitic Nick Clegg) would gone to the cleaners on State funding even if this country had the strongest economy in the world. This "comprehensive spending review" had bog-all to do with the previous Labour administration - though the Conservatives have been at pains to put the blame on them at every opportunity. If Labour overspent, it was for the good of the country during the "world financial crisis".

Cutting public spending is Conservative ideology - remember that!

What Labour did wrong was bailing the banks out wholesale, rather than shoring up peoples' mortgages and savings on an individual basis. By leaving the banks on a sound monetary footing, the Government gave them permission to carry on fiddling hard-working peoples' livelihoods. Nothing changed. The banks were still deregulated - accountable to no one but themselves. Even those institutions taken into State ownership, their "bosses" roundly slapped each other on the back and gave themselves another huge cash bonus - all at the taxpayers' expense.

It all stinks. The answer to this mess is to abolish money - at least in the form we currently know it. Then everyone would be on an equal footing. The problem then would be keeping it that way. And I haven't a solution to that.....yet!!!