Sunday 31 October 2010


I took our Jay out yesterday because he's on half-term like just about every kid in the country.

We took the footy down to Sefton Park, then Calderstones Park (where the below photo was taken) and rather than take him for his regular meal at McDonalds, we came back to the flat for some ham butties...well, he ate them, I didn't!

I've been to McDonalds a couple of times this year and have had the misfortune to try some of their food. It's shit.

Me and Jayne went to one next to Walton prison last weekend. I think I'd prefer the prison food to be honest. The meal was just full of sugar. I'd bought one of these veggie wraps and the chilli sauce was like treacle. Not nice.

Anyway, after dinner with Jay, I took him on the beach near me. It was very, very windy and the tide was right in. See the sand blowing up the beach?

I think he was nice and knackered after all that exercise? Recommended for boisterous six-year olds!