Monday 4 October 2010


It was announced today that, locally, 120 job adviser positions are to be slashed at the Department Of Work and Pensions' "Job Centre Plus" centres. Numbers will be cut by the end of the year.

This will create the unusual position of unemployed job advisers being advised for jobs by the job advisers left behind.

Just for once, I entirely agree with the cuts the ConDems are making. These job advisers are the smuggest shower of bastards I've ever had the misfortune to come across. They had no interest in me, my skills, or what I wanted to do. I was just a national insurance number to them - a statistic for the DWP to juggle with when announcing unemployment figures to a Government minister.

I'm all for the Government providing everyone with a cushy, quango job, but the recipient should at least take some interest in the lives of the people they're serving and helping. They are not God. Some think they have the power of a God over folks' circumstances, but they're hopelessly, hopelessly wrong. And ignorant.

Well, some of them will be on the receiving end soon. Justice will be served.