Friday 29 October 2010


Recently, it's been reported that in an attempt to save money, three London councils have bandied together to provide certain services. So bearing this in mind, it's not inconceivable that the below image might never happen.......

I'd love to know where the actual cut-off point between being in Liverpool and not being in Liverpool is? It doesn't stop at the council boundary that's for sure.

Yet the area of Greater Liverpool is governed by three separate local councils - Liverpool, Sefton and Knowsley.

Sefton is a pain of a borough geographically. Because the Southport end of the boundary has never, ever reconciled itself with the "Scouse" end of the boundary. Yet councillors in both areas vote on each other's services and it's caused no end of friction for 35 years.

So the possibility of Crosby / Bootle / Aintree / Maghull joining an enlarged city council area isn't impossible. In fact, in time, I think it's inevitable?