Monday 17 January 2011


I went swimming tonight at the Ellergreen Leisure Centre in Norris Green. Or was it Croxteth? Or Clubmoor? Or Dog & Gun? I really didn't know except Anya was locked up and all valuables were kept out of sight. But the Centre itself was functional, bright and clean. Thumbs up there!

As seasoned readers will know I am the world's worst swimmer - if I'd been on the Titanic I'd have been with de fishies!!!!

I have absolutely no hand to leg co-ordination at all. As a consequence I probably expel as much energy keeping things together doing a length of the pool than most folk doing twenty lengths. I've been trying to teach myself to do the breaststroke for the last twenty-years with little success. I figured that if there was nobody else in the pool I'd have a better chance rather than swallowing ten gallons of chloride-tainted water.

But I'll give it a regular go from now on. Have to. I never used Crosby Baths as much as I should have when I lived round the corner.

At the other end of the spectrum, I took Bethany to her regular swimming lessons last week. And she's a mermaid. Very impressive. I barely learned to do the doggy paddle at Butlins by the time I was ten. I ain't much better now.