Friday 6 August 2010


I've been on an unofficial diet for about a fortnight now.

I was so, so good going towards the end of last year. I was down to 15 stone 3 pounds, from 16 stone 13 pounds, thanks to lots of regular exercise and a fairly strict diet.

Since then I've managed to undo pretty much all the good work because I went back up to 16 stone 9 pounds. In the last two weeks I've lost five pounds. Not by doing anything too stupid, but a lot to do with keeping bread out of my diet, and most of the fatty snacks. And regular exercise helps!

As I approach middle-age, if I haven't hypothetically got there already, I look at myself and think that besides baldness (in the genes) and my fairly-accurate pot-bellied pig impersonation (which I'm working on losing), I look and feel quite good. I'm not being big-headed, but by and large, I've looked after myself and stayed away from a lot of the vices and indulgences that have been around during my time here.

Mind, on the other side of the coin, I suppose someone from school, for example, would look at me now and say, "what a rotten life you must have had the last 20 years. What went wrong?"