Tuesday 24 August 2010


Awful result last night. The optimism shown against Arsenal was badly lacking against a pumped-up Manchester City.

One has to consider the possibility that City are probably a better team than Liverpool now? Sure, there's half a dozen players at our place that any team in the world worth their salt would fight over. But the money thrown at both Hughes and Mancini to improve City is just way, way out of our league. And even though we have a decent squad we haven't the strength in depth, nor the competition for places the likes of Chelsea and City now possess.

It's results like this that make me question, that as a club, is it really worth all this aggravation?

The amount of mindless sex we've had in last fifty years, but now it feels like things have come to a natural end.

Because even the most ardent, die-hard Red will grudgingly acknowledge that we can't compete. When we've tried to compete, we've sold our souls to the Devil (i.e Gillett and Hicks). And been taken to the cleaners.

Make me dream again......