Sunday 15 August 2010


We had a barbecue at Jayne's folks house yesterday to celebrate/commiserate Ged's retirement.

The thing is Ged didn't want to retire from working. He's 66 but he's still raring to go, enjoyed what he did, and he was doing an excellent job in his profession. But he was forced out by his employer, and its' little comfort that the ConDems are reversing this piece of legislation.

I didn't get many pics (Jayne got loads on her camera), but it was a lot of fun anyway.

Bethany the cook says "live long and prosper, or I'll hit you with this plate"

Whenever there's barbecue, Jayne likes to cook. Isn't she happy? She got tipsy later.

Me, taken by Bethany. See the way my jumper colour-codes with the canvas behind?

Mum. Drinking. Again. She actually had a very good time. She met up with some old friends from me Dad's T.A days, and spent the whole night catching up and swapping old stories.

I had a busy night. I drove Mum home around nine-ish, and then with Jayne (who was singing by now) drove down to Speke Airport to collect Aaron, who'd been away with the Scouts to Switzerland for a week. Jayne soon sobered up when she saw how late the Geneva flight was due in. It wasn't too bad in the end, but we didn't get out of the airport until after midnight.

Apparently, I snored like a beast last night. I never heard it. But I kept Jayne awake (pay-back time lol!) and the cat was going bonkers downstairs in the kitchen with my horrendous noise. And I kept Bethany awake. Ditto poor knackered Aaron. And the neighbours next door. Plus them fellas in that deep underground bunker the other side of Russia. Etc, etc......