Tuesday 4 March 2014


Ukraine is a powder keg, waiting for someone to light the fuse. That someone is the above person.

Vladimir Putin is a very dangerous man. He is a complete contradiction in terms in a lot of ways. He loves his modern Russia with all its' gadgets, big business, flash cars, and money. He also yearns for the past too - he idolises the old Soviet Union and its' ways of controlling the population and media. Even so, I don't think cared much for Communism whichever way.

Just one man is manipulating a localised situation into a huge international flash point - because he can. Because he's a bully and does not trust rational human beings to determine their own future. 

The media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis has been interesting. Fox News is very anti-Russia, whilst Russia Today is very anti-America. Some things never change.

Putin is another of these lunatics who sees the world as a big, important place, whereas the reality of the our existence is we're really all living on a piece of rock in the arse end of nowhere. It would be nice if we could all get along, and failing that agree to disagree and let everyone live in some kind of peace.