Sunday 2 March 2014


I like Jehovah's Witnesses. They come round to the door quoting their version of the Bible, tell me how awful things are and how, through organised religion, people can make a difference.

They're absolutely right. The Bible is a seriously good book - full of moral teachings one cannot argue against.

They're also absolutely wrong too. Because organised religion, whichever faith followed, sets one against the other, which would be good if the fine points argued are done in a rational and non-violent way. Generally, it can get out of hand very quickly, spreads like wildfire, and the next thing you know each believer is knocking ten kinds of shit out of the other. And vice-versa.

I told the lovely lady at my door that religion, God, Jesus, Satan, all of it MUST DIE!!! And be gone. Because I think people can be better off without it. There will be folk who will still do terrible things, but it won't be because of a faith in something bigger influencing them too. It will be on our terms. No heaven or hell at the end of it. Death is death. Maybe then we'll do more constructive things with our lives.