Monday 17 March 2014


It's St.Patrick's Day once again.

I've made my feelings on the day when everyone not Irish celebrates being Irish well known through this blog. I can't be bothered putting a link to it, you'll have to find it yourselves!!

I really don't get it? Why isn't St.George's Day celebrated with the same veracity as "Paddy's Day"? We really are a weird country when it comes to what we like or not as the case may be. 

Being from Liverpool, I do feel the separate nature we have when compared to the rest of the country - we're not a very English city, the Celtic influence is just overwhelming. 

I've mellowed a lot to the fact that I'm English. The problems I had with crackpots like football hooliganism, the EDL, the BNP, UKIP, racism and "Little Englanders" in general is their problem - and not mine. And the fact that I can have a good time, while they cry, moan, bleat and fart is hugely satisfying.

So celebrate whatever day you want, but remember to give everyone a fair crack of the whip!