Sunday 20 March 2011


Bethany's had the lurgy, and has been innocently putting it around the entire family - me included.

Except when Jayne got it, she spent hours on the bog. Aaron got it, he threw up. I got it, and I suffered both.

I was out doing a Friday night chippy run, and the symptoms came on me so quickly. I really hope I haven't spread it around the chippy!! But I came home around nine o'clock and went to the toilet three times in succession before midnight, and on two of those occasions I both threw up, and kacked my pants with watery widdleplop.

Do you know how humiliating it is to experience both these sensations at once?

The kids were away, so Jayne banished me to Bethany's room. During the night, I woke up convinced that razor blades were going to come out all over my body, especially my mouth. But it's amazing what a good drink of water can do for you! I was likely dehydrated and hallucinating.

Spent Saturday on the couch. But today I was a lot more mobile.

These vomiting bugs are clever buggers. I lost six pounds in weight in 24 hours!!!

If you're a blog reader and you've had personal contact with me in the last 48 hours, I'd start to worry!!!