Friday 11 March 2011


Because Ron's on holiday from work, me has got mostly involved sorting out prices and doing quotations and the like. In essence, I've been a salesman. But I'll be honest - I haven't had much of a clue what I've been doing. 

Probably a lot of it was correct procedure, and some wrong. The thing is I've just picked up doing this sort of work by trial and error in a way. You've got to use your wits (if indeed I have any!) and try and work within a capitalist framework and make some money.

Which I don't like.

In an ideal world, I'd sell everything at cost. As long as I cleared my overheads, that'd be cool. Instead, sadly, we live in a world where profit is god.

Fortunately, I think I've been ethically okay this week, and a lot of the information on prices I need is in the customer files. There are some customers, however, who try it on, and pit us against another supplier to get a better price. They're scum, these people. They have no concern for anyone but their bank balances.

I've spent most of my life at work as a delivery driver, and it's only in the last few years where I've gotten on the sales side more. I'm still learning, and as much as it has its' perks and laughs, I think I prefer it still out on the road. Time will tell.