Tuesday 15 June 2010


You may be wondering, "what the mosh is that?" or words to that effect. Simple answer is this is a photograph facing north from Crosby Coastguard Station, taken at 1.46am just gone.

I'm fascinated with the fact that at this time of year it never goes completely dark - there's always a modicum of twilight. If I wanted to I could've stayed out from sunset to sunrise and watched the faint light move across the sky. I got some good pics last year of the sunrise over Haskayne. Will be trying something similar very soon.

This pic may look very murky, but I was using the highest settings on my digital camera - 12 megapixels, super fine mode, no flash. And I wonder could I have gotten better results using an analogue camera? The answer is probably yes, but I haven't the millions of pounds to buy one.