Friday 4 June 2010


Went up to see Mum today, and was pleasantly thrilled to see my old friend 1449 (GKA449L), the Alexander-bodied Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R, new to Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive in 1973.

I know I went on a state-of-the-art Volvo B7TL over in Dublin, and that was good fun, but there's nothing like reliving my childhood with a blessed piece of serendipity today.

Mum was in good form too, you'll be pleased to know. The weather in Southport was and stuffy. Didn't stop Mum racing up Lord Street after me, as I'd left some bits at her flat. She's mad me Mum. She fell over on her side a few weeks ago and STILL went line-dancing. Suffered the next day, like, but Mum is no ordinary....erm, pensioner!!!!!