Thursday 24 June 2010


Because I can sometimes be strange and weird, I made a split-decision to revisit an earlier part of my life and spent some money on a cheap CB radio and antenna.

You're probably sitting there, drinking or spitting out your tea/coffee/vimto, wondering why? And you're right, because I'm wondering too?

Anyway, it's a nice little mobile set that I can take in and out of Anya3. The aerial is huge, and screws into a magnetic base on the roof. I've taken it out a couple of times, more listening in than anything, and spoke to a few people to see what my signal's like, and it all seems well and good.

But CB radio today isn't how I remember it from the late-80s/early-90s. Very few people are on it locally, and those who are there seem to enjoy their now licence-free airtime by making every second word into their microphones begin with "f" and end in "k".

So more fool me? I may sell up pretty soon? The CB rig itself is a beauty, a Maxom CB10 80-channeller. The technology has come on in leaps and bounds in the last 20 years, just a shame the quality of fellow "breakers" has not.