Wednesday 5 May 2010


I love this story......

When he was a kid, me Dad was subject to an aptitude test in school. The results of which determined how a person came across politically.

So he, and his classmates, did the test and were marked. The teacher went around the class.

"Now Jones," the teacher said to one guy, "by your answers, we can say that you're probably a Liberal."

The teacher went on, "And Smith. If your test was right, you're likely a Conservative."

And on and on these proclamations to the class went. By the end of the lesson, everyone had their answers, except me Dad. The teacher asked him to stay behind after the rest had left.

"I didn't want to say in class," the teacher confided, "but by your test paper, it works out you're bordering on revolutionary Communist......"

I don't know how much of this story is true, but I don't think Dad was a Commie - not in the Marxist sense anyway. But he was definitely a Socialist. Time and time again, I saw him give up opportunity (more so in work) so other lads could get a fair slice of the cake. Often, they took the piss. But he didn't care. He knew it was right that everyone shared equally the benefits that were available.

Go on a generation.

And I'm much the same. I've picked up most of my political schooling from Dad, but my own experiences at the hands of governments tempers my opinion. Conservatism is the spawn of the devil. The rich get richer, at the expense of the poor. That's the way it's always been, that's the way it'll stay. Both rich and poor, sadly, need each other in Conservative theory. The rich need the poor to work for them, usually for crap wages in comparison to the huge profits the rich will make. The poor need the jobs the rich are offering to buy the essentials of life.

The mad thing is a poor person will often have to spend all their wages on the essentials of life, which conveniently belong to the rich. So the rich get richer, and the poor are usually as poor as they started off with before they got paid. By the rich.

The rich sit around on their fat arses doing nothing whilst the poor make them huge profits.

Now if you want this state of affairs to proliferate, starting this coming Friday, vote Tory. And if you want the hunting ban repealed so foxes and the like can be ripped apart for "sport", vote Tory too. You selfish bastard.....

If you want a society where everyone will eventually share in the wealth, vote Labour. And the wild animals in this country will stay safe as a result.

It's not often a General Election has the potential to change so many peoples' lives, but this is one occasion. Vote for the vulnerable, not for yourself. If you're upwardly-mobile, you're doing alright. Vote for those sections of our society that aren't, whose voices are never heard.

Vote Labour.