Friday 10 December 2010


Due to a callous and aloof government decision to hike university tuition fees, was it any wonder there were student riots in London last night?

As far as I'm concerned, this will be the first of many if Cameron and Osborne have their way with the public purse.

Nick Clegg's attitude throughout this sorry debate has been of a man with his kecks caught down. I said the Tories would stitch the Lib-Dems up good and proper, and it hasn't taken them long has it? The thing with Clegg, Cable and Hughes is they could stop this nonsense HERE AND NOW! But they won't.

Their attitude is one of "we're here to serve ourselves, and not the country."

If the Liberal Democrats have ONE Member of Parliament left at the next election it will be a miracle. They have lost any credibility they previously had, and are the laughing stock of British politics.

On the subject of Prince Charles' car being attacked by protesters yesterday, all I can say is what makes him and his bint any more important or different from everybody else?

In fact, I'd reckon that the damage to HRH was a deliberate attack by Government agents to discredit the student movement.

It's all balls - the country's screwed as if you didn't know that already