Sunday 4 April 2010


So I went out today to ride on some old buses. Just for a change I won't bore you with all the details, save to say there were three Atlanteans, a Bristol RE, and a Leyland Panther. And I rode on all of them.

I like old buses, especially the type I identify with from when I was a kid. Where I lived, it was dominated by Ribble Atlanteans, save for the MPTE 92 route to Huyton.

But once my folks let me off the leash to explore myself (huh-huh-huh, I said "explore myself" huh-huh-huh, that was cool!), I probably travelled on every MPTE route in Liverpool at one time or another.

Favourite place was the Pier Head Bus Station. I know a lot of people haven't pleasant memories of that 60s structure, and I have to admit it was a little scary and dilapidated when I started hanging around there. But the balcony was fantastic - great views over the Mersey, and a fantastic place to sit off and take bus numbers. Which I did and, contray to what he doesn't remember, our kid was DEFINITELY there with me on occasions!!!

I understand people saying it's a rather sad and antisocial pastime. But I've never let this sort of thing completely take over my life. For me, it's just some fun following on from what excited me as kid. I saw plenty of people today who, as ever, forsake their personal safety to get the elusive shot of a certain bus. That's the pathetic part of it, because if they used their solitary brain-cell from time to time and relaxed, they'd find they'll always get all the photos and videos they want without playing chicken with the traffic.

I always give a donation to these buses on running days such as this. What's ironic is the general public are blissfully unaware, in the main, that these vehicles are anything other than ordinary service buses. And when the driver tells them they can't take fares, the public will happily donate to begging bowl - which is a damned sight more than a lot of these enthusiasts will ever do.