Tuesday 16 March 2010


For the second time in as many weeks, I went with Jayne to see Aaron perform with his school band at a church in Walton tonight.

I haven't sat in a church pew since I was in the cubs! And boy, did my bum feel numb in such a short space of time.

To liven things up I whispered to Jayne, "...this is the first time the word "fisting" has been mentioned in a Catholic Church, ever!"

Jayne replied, "no, not for a couple of years anyway!!!"

Aaron gave an introduction to a piece specially written to commemorate the Hillsborough tragedy. He got a big round of applause after his speech, the only kid to be appreciated in this way. He did really well with his oration, I was very impressed.

Because he did so well, after the concert I told Aaron a joke I was going to leave telling him for a couple of years because it was so rude. It goes like this -

"Man comes home with a bunch of flowers for his wife. She says, "oh, I suppose you want me to open my legs now?" "Why?" he replies, "haven't you got a vase?"

He didn't understand. No, I wouldn't have done when I was twelve either. But I only said it once, yet Jayne spent the journey home trying to explain the joke to him.

Near the end, the parish priest came on and warbled on about god for a while. Then most of the audience crossed themselves.

When I lived in Ireland, I once asked Lin if we could go to Mass one Sunday, just for me to see what happens? Never did, but tonight in a few short minutes of priest-talk I was bored shitless. So probably just as well.