Wednesday 3 March 2010


A got a decent camera recently - an AGFA 2030b 12 Megapixel model. It replaced the 10MP version that refused the work after one night's use not too long ago. Anyway, the new one seems to be doing its' job, and at the moment I'm experimenting with it, rather than trying to do anything clever - which I'm obviously not!

Ron advised me to read the instructions this time. Good advice. They're still in the box untouched!

Above pic I took today in Sefton Park Palm House. Whether it makes any sense to anyone....well, good luck there!

Wandering around Liverpool today, lost in my warped imagination, gave me some great ideas for TV shows I mean to present to the cash-strapped BBC. A particular favourite that makes me smile is, "I Want To....Build A Leper Colony".