Wednesday 24 February 2010


Probably against my better judgment, I've decided to come back on this "thing" and warble about pretty much anything that is of little or no consequence to anyone but me.

Since we last inter-acted, things have changed. Work went tits-up, which was expected, but we're back running the branch in Aintree as a stand-alone business now. And I'm together with Jayne, who along with her kids Aaron and Bethany, are providing me with companionship and love.

I'm back buying up Beatles albums again, after a seven-year hiatus, and that feels good. I also have a copy of a left-handed Gibson SG and mini HiWatt amp. And I try to play it properly too, which I can't, but you know what? It good, and so RIGHT!!!!!

I still believe that Rock will save the world!

And my faith in my football team is still unshakable, even though they're quite, quite shit at times.

So to old friends and enemies - howya, what d'bleedin' story?????? To new DVFM watchers....erm, hello, and where have you been? I was once vetted by Criminal Records Bureau and I'm still good. Don't run away too soon.

This blog is a DREADEDVACUUMFLASKMONSTER production. And don't you forget it! Love me xxxxxxx