Wednesday 24 February 2010


I find the above person, and his supposed-legitimate political party, completely and utterly morally bankrupt.

Why, with a General Election coming to the UK in May, anyone is tempted to vote for the Conservatives after the shite they put us in during the 80s and 90s is a mystery beyond contempt?

It must take a warped set of selfish values to want to vote for David Cameron. He's promising us the world, without actually saying how he's gonna pay for it all. Well, actually the poor will pay for what tax breaks he wants to give his cronies, but that's nothing new from the Conservatives.

For God's sake, don't be fooled by the utter bollocks that spews from this man's arse....sorry, I mean mouth. He doesn't give a fig for you, he doesn't give a toss for me, he doesn't even give a damn about the people who want to vote him in. But, for instance, he is quite concerned about repealing the Hunting Ban so he and his odious band of inbreds can rip defenceless animals to death. And other things like that.

6th May. Don't vote Tory.