Friday 2 January 2015


New year is something I'd like to avoid. There's a lot of disingenuous back-slapping, hand-shaking, kissing and hugging - amongst other things - that should best be left alone unless one really, truly means it. And a lot of people don't.

I'm not being pious. Believe me, there are half-a-million things wrong about myself that I'll freely  admit to. 

I have always thought, though, that generally people should be left to do what they want to do, and not be forced into situations that make them uncomfortable at best, or immoral and illegal at worst. 

I've found, over the last five years, that a lot of those sort of situations that will make me want to hide in a dark place aren't really that bad if I give them the chance. And if it still does me in, I say to myself that I'm only here x-amount of time and I'll then be back in my own little universe wondering what the fuss was all about.

I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions because every one of them I've broken. One lasted twenty years, so I have some fortitude about me. I just wish to be happy. And be in a job I like, that pays decent money so me and Jayne don't have to worry too much about the future. Every year I say that the back garden is going to look fantastic and we're going to grow loads of veg and colourful flowers, and we do after a fashion.

Jayne looks forward to the winter, oddly, and I look forward to the spring.

I think I'm generally an optimist. The glass is always half full. There's nothing you can do that can't be done. All of that sort of stuff. Whether I keep up to these lofty ideals throughout 2015 remains to be seen!!!

1 comments: 3 November 2015 at 11:32  

In my opinion you are right. People should be left to do what they want to do. Unfortunately, there are a lot of boundaries in our society which does not allow us to do so.