Sunday 26 September 2010


This is possibly the most incoherent post I've done in a long time but I can't get my head around the events behind the scenes at Liverpool Football Club.

Forget getting rid of Hicks and Gillett, forget the re-financing deal that is being proposed to RBS, forget any interested party prepared to take over my club.

Just sack it all off, and let Liverpool Football Club rest in peace. Let us go under as a lesson to the greed in English football. Give the sporting world a stark warning, or wake-up call if you like, that the cause of this cancer is money.

The money isn't important to the average supporter. They just want their club to play well - to, if possible, translate the desires of us untalented to be the best we can be. If all you care about is a rich owner furnishing your club with immense transfer funds - PISS RIGHT OFF NOW!!!!

Also, the fact that onfield matters are as up shit-creek as in the boardroom hasn't gone unnoticed at LFC.

You know what, folks, I don't care anymore. I've seen the writing on the wall, and I'm finding it difficult to muster the enthusiasm for my club at the moment. Because, whatever happens, I can't see a happy ending any time soon - I predict hurt, betrayal and more hurt. Peoples' souls are gonna be ripped out before this mess settles.

Our Manc and Bluenose mates will be laughing rather nervously at matters here. "Nervously" being the operative word.......