Saturday, 27 December 2014



So there I am, in that twilight world between sleep and awareness. And then I was bolt upright!!

The next three hours were taken up by being very awake, very aware of the shadows of night, and totally in tune with the metaphysical side of being. And the big question I had was this. Christianity tells us that the only way to have a relationship with God is through Jesus.

Now I'm just a mere mortal, and I know shite. But if the Christian faith is as good as it says it is then it should stand up to a little questioning. Why can't I have a direct line through to God? If God is all He is said to be and everything is possible, why do I have to go through an intermediary?

I'm not suggesting that Jesus is any less important than Christians tell us he is. But it's a little like asking me to form a relationship with Jayne's brother to get to speak with her dad?? I went straight to the main man there, why not with the main man up there?????

And another thing. The whole basis for religion is having faith in something or someone bigger than yourself. Yet, every minor to major religion has distorted this realisation by various ways and means for thousands of years. For what end? Because all that's happened is humanity is shit to each other, when the simplest reality is we all want the same thing.

After I'd wrestled with this two massive conundrums, I promptly went to sleep. Bliss.......