I was reading a blog from a Newcastle lad who'd bought an old bus to do up and drive.
Basically, getting the bus roadworthy was a fortune. But the advantages after restoration are undeniable. Any bus over 30 years old can be driven on an ordinary car licence, as long as no more than 8 passengers are carried. His full comprehensive insurance cost £152 a year!!!! Tax cost zero too. And storage put him back a miserly £50 a month.
As you can imagine, it got me thinking.
There's nothing more I'd love to do than buy an old Merseyside Atlantean (a little like that PDR1A/1 Special below) and drive around until my heart's content. Or kit it out and travel the world. Like Cliff Richard......
Basically, I have no interest in getting properly involved in the bus preservation movement. I make donations to them wherever possible anyway. But just for something for me, it'd be a giggle.
Jayne has no objections and as soon as she starts doing the Lottery, the sooner I can hopefully make my dream a reality!
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