We have a pond in the back garden. or we did. The thing with it was it was leaking into the soil all the time, and we were constantly refilling the pond on an almost daily basis.
It wasn't fair on the fish, so we got an aquarium to put the smaller goldfish in, which now sits proudly in our front room. The larger fish were taken by Ian from work, up to his daughter's pond in Bolton. Of the thirty fish we started with, only two died. I found a dead one in the pond after I started work dismantling the thing, and he other I sadly murdered because it was swimming at an odd angle and obviously had something wrong with it anyway. Not nice to kill a fish in any event. I will rot in hell.
So below is the work we've done over the last two days. I will call this process "landscaping", others will call it "wanton destruction on an unforgiveable scale". You decide.
On the second day, we got three tonnes of soil dropped off to fill our now empty pond. Guess who moved it all?
And the finished product. It needs to settle because I tried to walk over it and just sunk! I put a load of hardcore (bricks, not porn!) in the bottom to make a base, and hopefully that'll work.
We're planting an apple tree as a centre piece here, and we've bought lots of other interesting plants to hopefully make it look as good as we can make it. Stay tuned for more pics and info!